Journalist | Author | Teacher

My journey does not match that of most journalism majors.
I shocked my parents by dropping out of Reed College and boarding a bus to La Paz, Mexico, where I got a job teaching English. My students that year were not much younger than I, but thanks to my years of taking Spanish at a public high school in California, I was able to connect with these teens.
Back in the United States, I realized that I loved writing as much as teaching, so when I was 21, I talked my way into an interview for a staff reporting position. I landed the job.
Then, a scholarship to study journalism brought me to the Czech Republic, where I was mentored by the executive editor of The Prague Post. I stayed in Prague to write for the newspaper. In other words, I worked as a news reporter before I actually got my journalism degree at The New School in New York City.
All these years, one thing has remained constant: my longing to connect with people who are making the world a better place to live.
Today in the San Francisco Bay Area, I am on the media team at a global nonprofit that’s transitioning the world out of fossil fuels. This is where I need to be right now.
I’m also the mother of two incredible daughters, Mae and CJ.
Photo by my daughter Mae
Rachel with her daughter CJ
Rachel with her daughter Mae
Rachel on scene with climate activists
Rachel writing

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